LEAP 8 is the frontline catching project consisting of the core programs and projects embodied in the next 3-year Strategic Plan of the Division of Catanduanes (2013-2016). LEAP literally speaks of Leadership Excellence towards Accelerating Performance while 8 speaks of the eight clear mandates of the schools division under the Governance of Education Act of 2002 (RA#9155).
Excellence in leadership as manifested in the assessment, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluation skills counts the greatest bearing in all educational endeavors of the division. While DepED bureaucracy is now confronted with numerous concerns plus the accommodation of advocacies of programs and projects of other partner agencies, the division officials assure the stakeholders that the import of the mandates within their level are at the forefront considerations.
Governance is the foundation of all Leadership endeavors, guided by performance standards enshrined under Civil Service laws, Code of Conduct and ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, DepED Rules of Procedure, and Omnibus Guidelines on Office Operations that may be adopted within the division.
Commitment is imperative that the Schools Division Superintendent shall exercise authority and assume accountability and responsibility for the following:
Developing and implementing division education development plans;
Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the division, including professional staff development;
Hiring, placing and evaluating all division supervisors and schools district supervisors as well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel, including school heads, except for the assistant division superintendent;
Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the national government and the local government units to the schools and learning centers;
Ensuring compliance of quality standards for basic education programs and for this purpose strengthening the role of division supervisors as subject area specialists;
Promoting awareness of and adherence by all schools and learning centers to accreditation standards prescribed by the Secretary of Education;
Supervising the operations of all public and private elementary, secondary and integrated schools, and learning centers; and
Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities.
Embodied in each of the above-mentioned mandates are the programs, projects, activities, and strategies geared towards a continuous improvement of access, efficiency, and quality- the performance standards in attaining quality education for all.
Excellence in leadership as manifested in the assessment, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluation skills counts the greatest bearing in all educational endeavors of the division. While DepED bureaucracy is now confronted with numerous concerns plus the accommodation of advocacies of programs and projects of other partner agencies, the division officials assure the stakeholders that the import of the mandates within their level are at the forefront considerations.
Governance is the foundation of all Leadership endeavors, guided by performance standards enshrined under Civil Service laws, Code of Conduct and ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, DepED Rules of Procedure, and Omnibus Guidelines on Office Operations that may be adopted within the division.
Commitment is imperative that the Schools Division Superintendent shall exercise authority and assume accountability and responsibility for the following:
Developing and implementing division education development plans;
Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the division, including professional staff development;
Hiring, placing and evaluating all division supervisors and schools district supervisors as well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel, including school heads, except for the assistant division superintendent;
Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the national government and the local government units to the schools and learning centers;
Ensuring compliance of quality standards for basic education programs and for this purpose strengthening the role of division supervisors as subject area specialists;
Promoting awareness of and adherence by all schools and learning centers to accreditation standards prescribed by the Secretary of Education;
Supervising the operations of all public and private elementary, secondary and integrated schools, and learning centers; and
Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities.
Embodied in each of the above-mentioned mandates are the programs, projects, activities, and strategies geared towards a continuous improvement of access, efficiency, and quality- the performance standards in attaining quality education for all.
Excellence in leadership as manifested in the assessment, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluation skills counts the greatest bearing in all educational endeavors of the division. While DepED bureaucracy is now confronted with numerous concerns plus the accommodation of advocacies of programs and projects of other partner agencies, the division officials assure the stakeholders that the import of the mandates within their level are at the forefront considerations.
Governance is the foundation of all Leadership endeavors, guided by performance standards enshrined under Civil Service laws, Code of Conduct and ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, DepED Rules of Procedure, and Omnibus Guidelines on Office Operations that may be adopted within the division.
Commitment is imperative that the Schools Division Superintendent shall exercise authority and assume accountability and responsibility for the following:
Developing and implementing division education development plans;
Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the division, including professional staff development;
Hiring, placing and evaluating all division supervisors and schools district supervisors as well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel, including school heads, except for the assistant division superintendent;
Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the national government and the local government units to the schools and learning centers;
Ensuring compliance of quality standards for basic education programs and for this purpose strengthening the role of division supervisors as subject area specialists;
Promoting awareness of and adherence by all schools and learning centers to accreditation standards prescribed by the Secretary of Education;
Supervising the operations of all public and private elementary, secondary and integrated schools, and learning centers; and
Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities.
Embodied in each of the above-mentioned mandates are the programs, projects, activities, and strategies geared towards a continuous improvement of access, efficiency, and quality- the performance standards in attaining quality education for all.
Excellence in leadership as manifested in the assessment, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluation skills counts the greatest bearing in all educational endeavors of the division. While DepED bureaucracy is now confronted with numerous concerns plus the accommodation of advocacies of programs and projects of other partner agencies, the division officials assure the stakeholders that the import of the mandates within their level are at the forefront considerations.
Governance is the foundation of all Leadership endeavors, guided by performance standards enshrined under Civil Service laws, Code of Conduct and ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, DepED Rules of Procedure, and Omnibus Guidelines on Office Operations that may be adopted within the division.
Commitment is imperative that the Schools Division Superintendent shall exercise authority and assume accountability and responsibility for the following:
Developing and implementing division education development plans;
Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the division, including professional staff development;
Hiring, placing and evaluating all division supervisors and schools district supervisors as well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel, including school heads, except for the assistant division superintendent;
Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the national government and the local government units to the schools and learning centers;
Ensuring compliance of quality standards for basic education programs and for this purpose strengthening the role of division supervisors as subject area specialists;
Promoting awareness of and adherence by all schools and learning centers to accreditation standards prescribed by the Secretary of Education;
Supervising the operations of all public and private elementary, secondary and integrated schools, and learning centers; and
Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities.
Embodied in each of the above-mentioned mandates are the programs, projects, activities, and strategies geared towards a continuous improvement of access, efficiency, and quality- the performance standards in attaining quality education for all.
MANDATE 1. Developing and implementing division education development plans.
The Division Education Development Plan sets the parameters of Programs, Projects and Activities to be implemented for a period of three(3) years. A DEDP/Strategic Plan Monitoring and Review Committee is created which shall assume the role of coordinating with the different task groups relative to the implementation of DEDP. Specifically, the committee shall periodically prepare and submit monthly summary report on the status of implementation of each program or project which shall also indicate reasons for non-implementation or delay of implementation, success factors, and suggestions as to other available and possible strategies of improving or expanding identified activity/ies.
Areas of adjustments shall also be identified and acted upon within the implementation period. The committee shall take the lead in the crafting of new DEDP, identification of participating stakeholders, and advocacy efforts towards increasing involvement of both internal and external stakeholders.
Areas of adjustments shall also be identified and acted upon within the implementation period. The committee shall take the lead in the crafting of new DEDP, identification of participating stakeholders, and advocacy efforts towards increasing involvement of both internal and external stakeholders.
MANDATE 2. Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the division, including professional staff development
Omnibus Rules Governing School and Office Operations shall be issued by the Schools Division Superintendent, setting the basic guidelines on decision-making and actions of each DepED personnel. An Education Program Supervisor or group of supervisors will be tasked to craft a Professional Development Program, to include performance enhancement training for both teaching and non-teaching staff and a concrete plan for Assistance to Succession Planning.
Teachers. The great responsibility of improving the educational performance of every learner in our schools lies in the hands of the professional teacher. To be able to achieve effective teaching, teachers should see themselves as capable of achieving the dimensions of good teaching through the use of NCBTS tool. In the NCBTS framework, the different domains, competencies and indicators define effective teaching translated into specific knowledge, skills and attitudes. Using the NCBTS as a framework, teachers will be able to see their strengths and ensure that such strengths be consistently utilized in teaching practice. If weaknesses are identified, teachers can plan for various professional development activities for their own growth.
The NCBTS Domains are distinctive spheres of the teaching learning process that allow positive teacher practice.
School Heads. The NCBS-SH is an integrated theoretical framework that defines the different dimensions of being an effective school head. An effective school head is one who can implement continuous school improvement who can produce better learning outcome among his/her pupils/students and help change institutional culture among others.
Promotional and Non-Teaching Staff. The Education Program Supervisors, Coordinators, and Section Chiefs shall take the lead in managing the different programs and projects. Other non-teaching/support staff shall have well-defined individual responsibilities.
School Sites and Basic Facilities. The Division shall create a team to conduct survey on school sites and to encourage stakeholders’ partnership in solving problems of schools on site ownership. The team may include the concerns on building integrity and stability; recommend to the SDS buildings that are unsafe and for demolition; extend assistance to school heads in the accomplishment of demolition documents; and conduct inventory of buildings and recommend to the SDS the immediate repair or rehabilitation of school buildings needing minor and major repairs to prevent further deterioration.
Identification of priority recipient schools for new buildings and water and sanitation(WATSAN) shall be done after careful site evaluation. The team shall also oversee the optimum utilization of resources provided to schools.
Library Hub. Library Hub shall be maintained which is manned by designated DepED official and shall cater to additional library needs of schools. The said official shall initiate orientation, campaign, or assistance to different schools for the enjoyment of its services, particularly for those schools without well-organized library. Services include provision of new reading books for free not only for elementary and high school schools but also for ALS and SPED centers, Learning Resource Centers/Reading Centers, and the Barangay/Community Centers. It provides access to thousands of supplementary reading materials and story books bundled by subject/theme and grade/year level. It also allowed walk in clients/readers.
Bids and Awards Committee (BAC). Bids and Awards Committee is organized and shall perform the basic functions on procurement of the division in accordance with the law on government procurement system.
Discipline. A system of discipline shall be primarily guided by DepED Orders, particularly along procedure in Administrative Problems. Likewise, Grievance matters shall be acted upon according to established rules mandated by the department.
Paperless Communication System. In order to minimize the travels and travelling expenses of school and district officials, a group of selected ICT-expert teachers will be assigned to make a plan and recommend for the installation of wireless system of communication between the division office and the different district offices and schools. An ICT coordinator will be designated to take the responsibility of maintaining the operation of the equipment in the division office and its upgrading. He shall orient the division, district, and school officials about the coverage of services of the system.
MANDATE 3. Hiring, placing and evaluating all division supervisors and schools district supervisors as well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel, including school heads, except for the assistant division superintendent
The concern of the division on the teaching competencies of teachers starts as early as during the Practice Teaching of students of Teacher Education Institutions. In order to observe merit, fitness, and fairness in the hiring, placing, and evaluating the teaching and non-teaching personnel of the department, the following established guidelines shall serve as the primary bases:
Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection and Hiring of Teacher I applicants
Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion to Teacher II and III, Guidance Counselor and other Teaching-Related positions
Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion of teachers to Master teacher position
Guidelines in the Selection, Promotion and Designation of School Heads
Division Selection and Promotion Board is organized to act on process. Division Search for Outstanding Teacher and school Head is also a part of the usual activity every school year.
Omnibus Rules Governing School and Office Operations shall be issued by the Schools Division Superintendent, setting the basic guidelines on decision-making and actions of each DepED personnel. An Education Program Supervisor or group of supervisors will be tasked to craft a Professional Development Program, to include performance enhancement training for both teaching and non-teaching staff and a concrete plan for Assistance to Succession Planning.
Teachers. The great responsibility of improving the educational performance of every learner in our schools lies in the hands of the professional teacher. To be able to achieve effective teaching, teachers should see themselves as capable of achieving the dimensions of good teaching through the use of NCBTS tool. In the NCBTS framework, the different domains, competencies and indicators define effective teaching translated into specific knowledge, skills and attitudes. Using the NCBTS as a framework, teachers will be able to see their strengths and ensure that such strengths be consistently utilized in teaching practice. If weaknesses are identified, teachers can plan for various professional development activities for their own growth.
The NCBTS Domains are distinctive spheres of the teaching learning process that allow positive teacher practice.
School Heads. The NCBS-SH is an integrated theoretical framework that defines the different dimensions of being an effective school head. An effective school head is one who can implement continuous school improvement who can produce better learning outcome among his/her pupils/students and help change institutional culture among others.
Promotional and Non-Teaching Staff. The Education Program Supervisors, Coordinators, and Section Chiefs shall take the lead in managing the different programs and projects. Other non-teaching/support staff shall have well-defined individual responsibilities.
School Sites and Basic Facilities. The Division shall create a team to conduct survey on school sites and to encourage stakeholders’ partnership in solving problems of schools on site ownership. The team may include the concerns on building integrity and stability; recommend to the SDS buildings that are unsafe and for demolition; extend assistance to school heads in the accomplishment of demolition documents; and conduct inventory of buildings and recommend to the SDS the immediate repair or rehabilitation of school buildings needing minor and major repairs to prevent further deterioration.
Identification of priority recipient schools for new buildings and water and sanitation(WATSAN) shall be done after careful site evaluation. The team shall also oversee the optimum utilization of resources provided to schools.
Library Hub. Library Hub shall be maintained which is manned by designated DepED official and shall cater to additional library needs of schools. The said official shall initiate orientation, campaign, or assistance to different schools for the enjoyment of its services, particularly for those schools without well-organized library. Services include provision of new reading books for free not only for elementary and high school schools but also for ALS and SPED centers, Learning Resource Centers/Reading Centers, and the Barangay/Community Centers. It provides access to thousands of supplementary reading materials and story books bundled by subject/theme and grade/year level. It also allowed walk in clients/readers.
Bids and Awards Committee (BAC). Bids and Awards Committee is organized and shall perform the basic functions on procurement of the division in accordance with the law on government procurement system.
Discipline. A system of discipline shall be primarily guided by DepED Orders, particularly along procedure in Administrative Problems. Likewise, Grievance matters shall be acted upon according to established rules mandated by the department.
Paperless Communication System. In order to minimize the travels and travelling expenses of school and district officials, a group of selected ICT-expert teachers will be assigned to make a plan and recommend for the installation of wireless system of communication between the division office and the different district offices and schools. An ICT coordinator will be designated to take the responsibility of maintaining the operation of the equipment in the division office and its upgrading. He shall orient the division, district, and school officials about the coverage of services of the system.
MANDATE 3. Hiring, placing and evaluating all division supervisors and schools district supervisors as well as all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel, including school heads, except for the assistant division superintendent
The concern of the division on the teaching competencies of teachers starts as early as during the Practice Teaching of students of Teacher Education Institutions. In order to observe merit, fitness, and fairness in the hiring, placing, and evaluating the teaching and non-teaching personnel of the department, the following established guidelines shall serve as the primary bases:
Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection and Hiring of Teacher I applicants
Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion to Teacher II and III, Guidance Counselor and other Teaching-Related positions
Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotion of teachers to Master teacher position
Guidelines in the Selection, Promotion and Designation of School Heads
Division Selection and Promotion Board is organized to act on process. Division Search for Outstanding Teacher and school Head is also a part of the usual activity every school year.
MANDATE 4. Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the national government and the local government units to the schools and learning centers
The department’s Guidelines on the downloading, utilization, and liquidation of SBM, SBRMS, and other government funds, including those coming from LGU’s, shall be strictly observed- taken into primary consideration is the exercise of the devolved powers under school-based management. Division coordinator shall be designated who shall be responsible for initiating orientation activities and facilitative procedures.
The department’s Guidelines on the downloading, utilization, and liquidation of SBM, SBRMS, and other government funds, including those coming from LGU’s, shall be strictly observed- taken into primary consideration is the exercise of the devolved powers under school-based management. Division coordinator shall be designated who shall be responsible for initiating orientation activities and facilitative procedures.
MANDATE 5. Ensuring compliance of quality standards for basic education programs and for this purpose strengthening the role of division supervisors as subject area specialists
In order to ensure a systematic instructional and field monitoring/supervision, a Division Monitoring and Supervisory Scheme will be issued. It identifies who are authorized to perform the job, defines the extent and limits of their authority, and provides the guidelines on reporting.
An Award System shall also be developed for teachers and school heads.
Anchored on K to 12 thrusts of the department which shall be ICT-Enhanced, efforts will be exerted by the division to provide the teachers and instructional supervisors with updated copies of Curriculum Guides, textbooks, and other needed supplementary instructional materials, particularly in the following core subject areas:
In order to ensure a systematic instructional and field monitoring/supervision, a Division Monitoring and Supervisory Scheme will be issued. It identifies who are authorized to perform the job, defines the extent and limits of their authority, and provides the guidelines on reporting.
An Award System shall also be developed for teachers and school heads.
Anchored on K to 12 thrusts of the department which shall be ICT-Enhanced, efforts will be exerted by the division to provide the teachers and instructional supervisors with updated copies of Curriculum Guides, textbooks, and other needed supplementary instructional materials, particularly in the following core subject areas:
Project ECARP”. The results of PHIL-IRI (Pre-Test and Post Test) revealed that there are still many learners in all schools and in all levels that are still in the frustration and instructional group in reading level. Much more, non-readers are still present in all grade levels.
“Reading with comprehension” is the basic need of every learner in order to cope up with the tasks in all learning areas. The project along this concern will be named: “ZOOM HIGH thru” “PROJECT ECARP” for the Division of Catanduanes and this will be started August 2013
“Reading with comprehension” is the basic need of every learner in order to cope up with the tasks in all learning areas. The project along this concern will be named: “ZOOM HIGH thru” “PROJECT ECARP” for the Division of Catanduanes and this will be started August 2013
Phil-IRI. The Phil-IRI is an assessment tool that evaluates the reading level of elementary school pupils. It is the first validated instrument that intends to measure the pupil’s reading comprehension level. The pupil’s word recognition and comprehension ability as well as his/her reading speed are informally assessed quantitatively and qualitatively through stories and passages.
It aims to establish reading level profile of children in public elementary school system. To do this, tests will be administered twice a year (pre-test and post test) to assess the reading speed and comprehension of pupils in oral and silent reading, both in English and Filipino, or assessing the reading level of pupils from grades I to VI. Results shall serve as the basis in determining the reading profile of public schools from Grade I-VI division wide.
Reading Recovery Program. It is a school based short-term intervention designed for children aged five or six who are the lowest literacy achievers after their first year of school. These children are often not able to read the simplest of books or even write their own name before the intervention. The intervention involves intensive one to one lessons for 30 minutes a day with trained literacy teacher for an average of 20 weeks. The Intervention goal is to bring the children up to the level of their peers and to give them the assistance they need to develop independent reading and writing strategies.
Other approaches that are designed to help learners learn to read and write effectively will also be implemented through various activities within reading, writing, and language/word study pursuant to Balanced Reading Program(BRP)/School Remedial Reading Program.
Special Program for the Arts (SPA)/Cultural Events. This is a program/ project that will expose students to the music, art, heritage and culture of the province and different periods in the history, uplift students’ cultural and nationalistic awareness with sound mind and body, and with high regards of their origin as Catandunganons and Filipinos who are more appreciative of other culture. This is also intended for students with potentials or talents in the Arts, namely: music, visual arts, theatre arts, media arts, creative writing and dance. This serves as an integral component of a balanced education program in all year levels which will provide the background for post-secondary level work.
Special Program for Sports(SPS). This was conceived to address the needs of talented students in the different sports disciplines. It aims to identify and create a poll of athletes who will be trained to complete in national and international sports competitions. In the course of the progress of the program, a paradigm shift will be elevated to a higher degree of social relevance. The program now is envisioned to make the SPS graduates job-ready in the field of sports and related areas or go for higher learning.
Special Program in Foreign Language(SPFL). Given the globalization for which the graduates of secondary education are being prepared, the division also supports the implementation of Special Program in Foreign Language. With the advent of K to 12 enhanced curriculum, more high schools will be encouraged to join Catanduanes National High School(Spanish) in the implementation of this program.
Science High School Curriculum. The Education Program Supervisor in Science shall take the lead in conducting a feasibility study on the establishment of Science High School in the province which will be called Catanduanes Science High School. Assistance will be sought from the congressman of the lone district, the provincial government, and municipal government of Virac, particularly in looking for the school site, fund assistance, and legislation.
Alternative Delivery Modes (ADM). ADM addresses the fundamental problem of lack of access to learning opportunities, low completion rate, and poor levels of learning achievement. The division performance will be strengthened through continuing advocacy for Alternative Delivery Modes such as the Open High School Program (OHSP), Effective Alternative Secondary Education (EASE), and School Initiated Interventions(SII). Four (4) secondary schools will be assisted in the implementation of OHSP for school year 2013-2014. However, school heads will be encouraged to initiate more creative and innovative strategies in achieving education for all(EFA).
Guidance, Testing & Evaluation/Achievement Test. A coordinator shall be designated to take charge of Guidance, Testing and Evaluation/Achievement Test for purposes of continuous monitoring and upgrading interventions relative to the performance improvement of the pupils/students.
Quality Assurance. To assure quality of services of the division, a standardized tool shall be developed for every significant program/project/activity. The tool shall include indicators before, during, and after every program/project/activity.
Research/ Division Research and Development Team. Research activities shall be one of the major focuses of all division endeavors. Capacity-building sessions will be conducted in order to upgrade the procedural competencies of the enthusiasts and for the Division personnel to develop more responsive alternatives in improving learning activities.
Production of Professional Development Materials(PPDMs). Division Memorandum No. 81, s. 2011 spelled out the composition of Division Production of Professional Development Materials (PPDMs) and Curriculum Development in our division. To achieve the objective of enhance provisions of quality instructional and learning materials, particularly in reading in early grades and TLE, English, Science and Mathematics in other grades, the procurement, production and redevelopment of learning resources (LR), teaching resources (TR) and professional development materials (PDM) is informed by principles for 21 st century quality education for all and in support of the Millennium Development Goal 2: (MDG2) and Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA).
This service area assist learning resource and materials development centers in the assessment and evaluation, development, indigenization, training and utilization of professional development materials based on standards set, evidences from researchers and best practices.
MANDATE 6. Promoting awareness of and adherence by all schools and learning centers to accreditation standards prescribed by the Secretary of Education
The standards/tools set under School-Based Management, Philippine Accreditation of Schools in Basic Education(PASBE), and Child-Friendly School System shall be utilized for continuous upgrading of schools, both in elementary and secondary. A division-wide Award system along these thrusts shall be developed.
MANDATE 7. Supervising the operations of all public and private elementary, secondary and integrated schools, and learning centers
There shall be an inventory of all schools in the province. Guidelines shall be developed containing the details of operation of all schools such as adoption of varied curricula, admission and retention of pupils/students, school discipline, and the extent of freedom of Private Schools to deviate from the standard procedures in the public school system. As partner in advocacy for greater participation and retention of pupils/students, private schools shall be involved in orientation activities on Alternative delivery Modes(ADM).
MANDATE 8. Performing such other functions as may be assigned by proper authorities
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management( DRRM). The province, being identified as prone target of calamities such as typhoons, floods, and landslides, should be able to establish a kind of mechanism that will reduce the chances of loss of lives and destruction of properties. A Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council shall be organized in the division and in all schools. Orientation seminars and trainings and other preventive measures shall be initiated, aimed at deepening the awareness of the residents about impending disasters. The Youth for Environment in Schools Organization (YES-O) shall be the youth counterpart in all advocacies that would ensure environmental protection and safety of the people.
Campus Journalism. The division supports Republic Act 7079 otherwise known as the Campus Journalism Act of 1991. It guides all schools towards the realization of the importance of both the print and the broadcast media. It’s always an advantage because it enhances journalistic competence of the students. The trend on Digital Literacy made the yearly activity more global and challenging, thus it opens more promotion on social media and awareness.
Brigada Eskwela/Adopt a School Program. Brigada Eskwela which develops stakeholders’ sense of ownership shall serve as a linkage program in order to achieve an increasing and sustained cooperation of external stakeholders. Potential stakeholders will be regularly invited in orientation sessions on Adopt-A-School Program to win their interest, particularly concerning the enjoyment of tax credits.
Boy Scouts of the Philippines/ Girl Scouts of the Philippines (BSP/GSP)
Boy Scouts of the Philippines/ Girl Scouts of the Philippines (BSP/GSP). The scouting endeavor is another strategic complementation to the educational objectives of the Department of Education. Through learning by doing, particularly on practical ways of doing things, theories learned in the classrooms are effectively substantiated.
Gender and Development (GAD). According to Section 4H of RA 9710, Gender and Development is an approach that refers to the development perspective and process that are participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self-determination and actualization of human potentials. The Philippine Constitution upholds equality before the law of men and women and recognizes the role of women in nation building. Along with this is the provision of special protection to children from all forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination and other conditions prejudicial to their development.
Parents-Teachers Association (PTA). The PTA is an organization operating in the elementary and secondary schools for the purpose of providing a forum for the discussion of issues and their solutions related to the total schools’ program and to ensure the full cooperation of parents in the efficient implementation of programs. This also serves as support group and as a significant partner of the school to promote the welfare of the students/pupils.
Supreme Pupil Government (SPG)/ Supreme Student Government (SSG). These are the prime organizations in the elementary and secondary schools which aim to lay the groundwork for good governance, unity and cooperation among our pupils and students by providing them a venue where they can improve their leadership skills, abilities and values, train students to become better members of the society in accordance with the ideals and principles of participative democracy, to harness these as partners in achieving quality education, to strengthen the roles of pupils/students, and to serve and protect their rights and welfare.
This division supports the mandated programs, projects and activities of the SPGs/SSGs implemented annually in school and community.
Student Technologist and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines (STEP). STEP is the official co-curricular organization of students in Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP), Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) and Technical-Vocational Education (TVE) which provides pupils and students with practical experiences technical know-how and opportunities in home economics, agricultural technology, industrial arts, entrepreneurship and ICT integration while developing their leadership abilities and personal skills and building wholesome character to strengthen national competitiveness and productivity.
Canteen Services. School Canteens will serve as instrument in helping eliminate malnutrition among pupils and students. It will serve as learning center, being the laboratory area for Home Economics and Retail Trade that will deepen the development of desirable eating habits. The incidental teaching of health and nutrition shall provide hands-on training for students on planning, purchasing handling and storage, preparation and sale of safe and nutritious meals and snacks.
Greening Program. Anchored on Executive Order #26 signed by the President on February 24, 2011 has five goals which include Food Security, Poverty Alleviation, Environmental Protection, Waste Management, and Climate Mitigation and Adaptation. Tree Planting and Tree Conservation shall be given primary focus along this program. This program also establishes and maintains school gardens that will serve as food basket and main source of vegetables in order to sustain supplementary feeding and mitigate hunger among our school children. This program also aims to promote self appreciation of agriculture as a life support system among our children. Appropriate linkage strategy will be developed in order to tap additional support and assistance from other external stakeholders. A Monitoring Tool will be utilized in the implementation of the Program.
Child-Friendly School System. In support of the idea that the child is at the center of all education initiatives, this division upholds the parameters advanced under the Child-Friendly School System. A standardized checklist tool will be distributed to all elementary and secondary public schools that will serve as their reference material in pursuit of the advocacies of the program. Guidelines on Child Protection Policy as enshrined in DepED Order No. 40, s. 2012 shall serve as the strict parameters in upholding the rights of children in schools.
MT-MLE | Kindergarten | Filipino |
English | Science | Mathematics |
Sibika/Araling Panlipunan | EPP/TLE | EsP |
Students shall receive quality education making them at par with global standards and ready for the tertiary level. They shall be provided with vocational and technical career opportunities, creative arts, sports and entrepreneurial employment. The opportunity for education is responsive to the needs, cognitive and cultural capacity, the circumstances and diversity of learners, schools and community through appropriate languages of teaching and learning including mother tongue as a learning resource in grades 1 to 3. Peace Education shall be an integral part of the curriculum.
Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE). DepEd Order No. 74, s. 2009 highlighted the importance of the Institutionalizing Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE). Thus, the lessons and findings of various local initiatives and international studies in basic education have validated the superiority of the use of the learner’s mother tongue or first language in improving learning outcomes and promoting Education For All (EFA).
With the birth of the K to 12 Program, Mother Tongue is taken as one of the special features as the medium of instruction from K to grade 3, other than prioritizing it as a one separate learning area. Teaching Guides and Learner’s Materials are also written in the learner’s mother tongue or the first language.
SPED. In support to the Education for All and the department’s thrust on Inclusive Education, the division’s reaching-out activities will be strengthened to include those identified Special Children.
Multi-grade Education. Multi-grade education is an answer to the problem of access to education for children in the remote and isolated barangays in the province. The MG teachers are the key factors in providing meaningful learning experiences, either as curriculum developer, instructional resource manager and the facilitator of learning in order to sustain pupil’s interest and make learning more effective. They are also instrumental in uplifting parent’s support for the program. The division shall continue to support the 18 multi-grade schools in the province and shall provide opportunities for teachers’ training on creative teaching and instructional materials development.
Alternative Learning Systems(ALS). Common is the experience of ALS clients that after a month of experience in the program, they had to leave for economic reason. It is along this context that the project ”Pagkanood Ko, Katuwang ang DALSC/ Mobile Teacher Ko” was conceptualized among the DALSCs and Mobile Teachers. This is a two-way process wherein the implementers will craft module/session guide on income generating projects for the learners e.g. baking, candy making, handicrafts, preserve foods and others. Crafting the modules will enhance the implementers’ capability of module-writing. “Pagtukdo” will follow the literacy process following the 4 A’s. Integration of reading, writing, numeracy, speaking, following direction and values towards work and peer or group is much important in this project and the quality of finished product as well. Materials available in the locality will be utilized and other expenses can be sourced out from the stakeholders. This project Pagkanood Ko, Katuwang ang DALSC/Mobile Teacher Ko is expected to sustain the enrolment of the ALS learners in the Division of Catanduanes which will be implemented in the next three years to start this July 2013.
We, members of the Promotional Staff and Section Chiefs of the Division of Catanduanes, hereby commit to assume direct responsibility of the actions pertinent to the implementation of the above-stated programs, projects, and activities.
July 1, 2013.
SARAH S. CHIONG Head Teacher VI | AMY B. CABRERA Principal I | FRANKIE T. TURALDE Principal I |
RAQUEL L. PAHUYO Planning Officer II | MA. CIELO C. TUBALE Cashier II | ELIZABETH R. IFURONG Supply Officer II |
Asstant Schools Division Superintendent
Asstant Schools Division Superintendent